Publikationer, HLR på sjukhus
Publikationer HLR på sjukhus
Agerström J, Carlsson M, Bremer A et al. Discriminatory cardiac arrest care? Patients with low socioeconomic status receive delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and are less likely to survive an in-hospital cardiac arrest. Eur Heart J 2021 Feb 21; 42 (8): 861-869.
Agerström J, Carlsson M, Bremer A et al. Treatment and survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest: does patient ethnicity matter? Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2021 Sept 15.
Holm A, Jerkeman M, Sultanian P et al. Cohort study of the characteristics and outcome in patients with COVID-19 and in-hospital cardiac arrest. BMJ Open 2021 Nov 30.
Berglund S, Andreasson A, Rawshani A et al. Cardiorenal function and survival in in-hospital cardiac arrest : A nationwide study of 22819 cases. Resuscitation 2022 Jan 11; 172: 9-16.
Waldeman A, Bremer A, Holm A et al. In-hospital family witnessed resuscitation with a focus on the prevalence, processes and outcome of resuscitation. A retrospective cohort study. Resuscitation 2021 Aug ; 165:23-30.
Gräsner J-T, Herlitz J, Tjelmeland I et al . European Resuscitation Council Guidelines2021: Epidemiology of cardiac arrest in Europe. Resusciatation 2021April ; 161: 61-79.
Årestedt K, Israelsson J, Djukonovic I et al. Symptom prevalence of anxiety and Depression in Older Cardiac Arrest Survivors: A Comparative Nationwide Register Study. J Clin Med 2021 Sept 21.
Hellström P, Årestedt K och Israelsson J. A comprehensive description of self reported health and life satisfaction in cardiac arrest survivors. Scand J Trauma Resus Emerg. Med. 2021 Aug 21; 29 (1): 122.
Albert M, Herlitz J, Rawshani A, Ringh M, Claesson A, Djärv T, Nordberg P. Cardiac arrest after pulmonary aspiration in hospitalised patients: a national observational study. BMJ Open. 2020 Mar 19;10(3);e032264, doi; 10,1136/bmjopen-2019-032264.
Thorén A, Rawshani A, Herlitz J, Engdahl J, Kahan T, Gustafsson L, Djärv T. ECG-monitoring of in-hospital cardiac arrest and factors associated with survival. Resuscitation 2020 My;150:130-138. Doi: ,10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.03.002.
Djärv T, Bremer A, Herlitz J, Israelsson J, Cronberg T, Lilja G, Rawshani A, Årestedt K. Health-related quality of life after surviving an out-of-hospital compared to an in-hospital cardiac arrest: A Swedish population-based registry study. Resuscitation 2020 Jun;151:77-84 Doi;10.1016/ j.resuscitation.2020.04.002.
Hessulf F, Herlitz J, Rawshani A, Aune S, Israelsson J, Södersved-Källestedt ML, Nordberg P, Lundgren P, Engdahl J. Adherence to guidelines is associated with improved survival following in- hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2020 Oct;155:13-21. Doi;10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.07.009.
Adielsson A, Djärv T, Rawshani A, Lundin S, Herlitz J. Changes over time in 30-day survival and the incidence of shockable rhythms after in-hospital cardiac arrest – A population-based registry study of nearly 24,000 cases. Resuscitation 2020 Oct 24;157:135-140. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.10.015.
Piscator E, Göransson K, Forsberg S, Bottai M, Ebell M, Herlitz J, Djärv T.
Prearrest prediction of favourable neurological survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest: The Prediction of outsome for In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (PIHCA) score.
Resuscitation 2019;143: 92-99.
Lundin A, Rylander C, Karlsson T, Herlitz J, Lundgren P.
Adrenaline, ROSC and survival in patients resuscitated from in-hospital cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation 2019 May 21;140:64-71.
Memar M, Geara S-J, Hjalmarsson P, Allberg A, Bouzereau M, Djärv T
Long- term mortality and morbidity among 30-day survivors after in-hospital cardiac arrests – a Swedish cohort study
Resuscitation 2018;124: 76-79
Widestedt H, Giesecke J, Karlsson P, Jakobsson JG
In-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation performed by the hospital emergency team: A 6-year retrospective register analysis at Danderyd University Hospital, Sweden
[version 1; peer review: 2 approved] F1000Research 2018;7: 1013
Qvick A, Radif M, Brever C, Olsson Myrvik J, Schenk Gustafsson K, Djärv T.
Survival of in-hospital cardiac arrest in men and women in a large Swedish cohort
Scand J Trauma, Resus Emerg Med 2018;26: 108
Piscator E, Göransson K, Bruchfeld S, Hammar U. Garbi SL, Ebell M, Herlitz J, Djärv T.
Predicting neurological intact survival after in hospital cardiac arrest – external variation of the Good Outcome Following Attempted Resuscitation score.
Resuscitation 2018;128: 63-69.
Hessulf F, Karlsson T, Lundgren P, Aune S, Strömsöe A, Södersved Källestedt ML, Djärv T, Herlitz J, Engdahl J.
Factors of importance to 30-day survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest in Sweden – A population-based register study of more than 18.000 cases.
Int J Cardiol 2018;255: 237-242.
Al-Dury N, Rawshani A, Israelsson J, Strömsöe A, Aune S, Agerström J, Karlsson T, Ravn-Fischer A, Herlitz J.
Characteristics and outsome among 14,933 adult cases of in-hospital cardiac arrest: A nationwide study with the emphasis on gender and age.
Am J Emerg Med. 2017;35: 1839-1844.
Adielsson A, Aune S, Ravn-Fischer A, Herlitz J.
Measurements of time intervals after in-hospital cardiac arrest give important information but can be further improved.
Intern J Cardiol 2017;229: 119.
Hirlekar G, Karlsson T, Aune S, Ravn-Fischer A, Albertsson P, Herlitz J, Libungan B.
Survival and neurological outcome in the elderly after in-hospital cardiac arrest
Resuscitation 2017; 118: 101-106.
Israelsson J, Bremer A, Herlitz J, Axelsson Å.B, Cronberg T, Djärv T, Kristofferzon M-L, Larsson I-M, Lilja G, Sunnerhagen K.S, Wallin E, Ågren S, Åkerman E, Årestedt K.
Health status and psychological distress among in-hospital cardiac arrest survivors in relation to gender.
Resuscitation 2017;114: 27-33.
Piscator E, Hedberg P, Göransson K, Djärv T.
Survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest is highly associated with the age-combined Charlson Co-morbidity Index in a cohort study from a two-site Swedish University Hospital
Resuscitation 2016;99: 79-83.
Adielsson A, Karlsson T, Lundin S, Hirlekar G, Herlitz J, Ravn-Fischer A.
A 20-year perspective of in hospital cardiac arrest: Experiences from university hospital with focus on wards with and without monitoring facilities.
Int J Cardiol 2016;216: 194-199.
Israelsson J, Persson C, Strömberg A, Arestedt K.
Is there a difference in survival between men and women suffering in-hospital cardiac arrest?
Heart Lung. 2014 Nov-Dec;43(6):510-5.
Södersved Källestedt ML, Berglund A, Enlund M, Herlitz J.
In-hospital cardiac arrest characteristics and outcome after defibrillator implementation and education: from one single hospital in Sweden.
Am J Emerg Med. 2012;30: 1712-1718.
Aune S, Eldh M, Engdahl J, Holmberg S, Lindqvist J, Svensson L, Oddby E, Herlitz J.
Improvement in the hospital organisation of CPR training in Sweden during a 10-year period and outcome after cardiac arrest resuscitation.
Resuscitation 2011;82: 431-435.
Herlitz Johan.
Hjärtstopp. Här står vi och dit går vi.
Incitament 2010;19: 85–88.
Herlitz J, Aune S, Lindqvist J, Svensson CJ, Svensson L, Oddby E.
Utvecklingsarbete kan ge bättre resultat efter hjärtstopp på sjukhus. Defibrillering
efter 3 minuter ett mål.
Läkartidningen 2010;107:506–509.
Petursson P, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Aune S, Svensson L, Oddby E, Sjöland H, Herlitz J.
Patients with a history of diabetes have a lower survival rate after in hospital cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation 2008;76: 37–42.
Herlitz J, Svensson L, Aune S, Lindqvist J, Svensson CJ.
Nationellt kvalitetsregister för hjärtstopp på sjukhus nu igång.
Läkartidningen 2007;104: 3361-3364.
Skrifvars MB, Castrén M, Nurmi J, Thorén A-B, Aune S, Herlitz J.
Do patient characteristics or factors at resuscitation influence long-term outcome in patients surviving to be discharged following in-hospital cardiac arrest?
J Intern Med 2007;262: 488–495.
Skrifvars MB, Castrén M, Aune S, Thorén A-B, Nurmi J, Herlitz J.
Variability in survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest depending on the hospital level of care
Resuscitation 2007;73: 73–81.
Fredriksson M, Aune S, Thorén A-B, Herlitz J.
In hospital cardiac arrest – An Utstein style report of seven years experience from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Resuscitation 2006;68: 351–358.
Hein A, Thorén A-B, Herlitz J.
Characteristics and outcome of false cardiac arrests in hospital.
Resuscitation 2006;69: 191–197.
Herlitz J, Aune S, Bång A, Fredriksson M, Thorén A-B, Ekström L, Holmberg S.
Very high survival among patients de-fibrillated at an early stage after in-hospital ventricular fibrillation on wards with and without monitoring facilities.
Resuscitation 2005;66: 159–166.
Aune S, Herlitz J, Bång A.
Characteristics of patients who die in hospital with no attempt at resuscitation.
Resuscitation 2005;65: 291–299.
Herlitz J, Bång A, Alsén B, Aune S.
Characteristics and outcome among patients suffering from in hospital cardiac arrest in relation to whether the arrest took place during office hours.
Resuscitation 2002;53: 127–133.
Herlitz J, Bång A, Alsén B, Aune S.
Characteristics and outcome among patients suffering from in hospital cardiac arrest in relation to the interval between collapse and start of CPR.
Resuscitation 2002;53: 21–27.
Herlitz J, Rundqvist S, Bång A, Aune S, Lundström G, Ekström L, Lindkvist J.
Is there a difference between women and men in characteristics and outcome after in hospital cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation 2001;49: 15–23.
Herlitz J, Bång A, Aune S, Ekström L, Lundström G, Holmberg S. Characteristics and outcome among patients suffering in hospital cardiac arrest in monitored and non monitored areas.
Resuscitation 2001;48: 125–135.
Herlitz J, Andréasson A-C, Bång A, Aune S, Lindqvist J.
Long term prognosis among survivors after in-hospital cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation 2000;45: 167–171.
Herlitz J, Bång A, Ekström L, Ågård A, Holmberg M, Lundström G, Holm- berg S.
Förbättrad överlevnad efter hjärtstopp på sjukhus.
Läkartidningen 2000;97: 3363–3368.
Herlitz J, Bång A, Ekström L, Aune S, Lundström G, Holmberg S, Holmberg M, Lindqvist J.
A comparison between patients suffering in-hospital and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in terms of treatment and outcome.
J Int Med. 2000;248: 53–60
Andréasson A-Ch, Herlitz J, Bång A, Ekström L, Lindqvist J, Lundström G, Holmberg S.
Characteristics and outcome among patients with a suspected in hospital cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation. 1998;39: 23–31.
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